Excellent article, man. I wouldn't have discovered this if not for your sharing and your commentary provided great insights.
Loved this: "Now my commitment is to, it's hard to explain it, just consistency. Just consistency. And getting out of your head the idea that there's, how do I say this? You've got to depend on magic to be good at something."
Still thinking about this: "I just knew that your ability to understand things would allow me to explain them with more sort of bandwidth."
I would enjoy reading more like this. It's always fun when you come acorss something that you wouldb't have discovered on your own.
Excellent article, man. I wouldn't have discovered this if not for your sharing and your commentary provided great insights.
Loved this: "Now my commitment is to, it's hard to explain it, just consistency. Just consistency. And getting out of your head the idea that there's, how do I say this? You've got to depend on magic to be good at something."
Still thinking about this: "I just knew that your ability to understand things would allow me to explain them with more sort of bandwidth."
I would enjoy reading more like this. It's always fun when you come acorss something that you wouldb't have discovered on your own.
I appreciate the kind words and feedback. I’ll do more of this!